Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy __ Birthday, Judy

Because tomorrow is Judy's birthday, and because I am headed to Phoenix to watch a granddaughter in Alice in Wonderland (she is young Alice), I wanted to post this tonight, as this is an event not to be missed. This is one of my favorite photos - Judy calmly (?) reading to Steve and me. Life was good! May the day be full of fun and may this next year be better than the last year. I am thankful for you, for your laughter, as well as for the serious moments, and for sweet memories. Happy Birthday, Judy.
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  1. Thank you sweet sister. Have a great trip. I hope you take lots of pictures of the "Star". And that you will share!

  2. Happy birthday. This will have to do as there are no movie clips of Carey Grant saying, "Judy, Judy, Judy." (since he never said it) My imagination dried up, but my brotherly love has not. Hope you have a spectacular day.

  3. Oh, Steve. Who could ask for more?
    I have your forever love and a loyalty that endures all. I am blessed.

  4. Everybody is on the ball for Judy's birthday! Happy, happy day and coming year, Judy. There has been a lot happening, proving that life gets more interesting as we grow older. You are special to each one of your siblings (to say nothing of others int he family.) Like Mother, you, too, know when to cut to the bone of a matter and see it clearly. That is a real talent! Thanks for sharing! Love you lots.
