Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Early Penrose School House and Children, from Mom's Photo Album


  1. Dwight, what were you doing up so late? I have lots of questions about these pictures. Is the sandstone building the Penrose school house?? If so when was it dismantled? It looks more sturdy than the church house. Also can anyone identify and of the Wasden children in these picutres? I believe the toothless granny is Cindy. Right? That is a cute picture.

  2. I remember Mom telling me the little girl was Cindy. The building is the Penrose school house. I haven't identified people. I wish I knew who the teachers were, what they did in school. Darn you Mom, you never told us any of this stuff and now we would give anything to know! Perhaps other blog readers will help fill in the blanks.

  3. Okay, play a little detective work. The top picture to the right, third from the right is Mother. (Compare the stance and looks with the 14-year old Minnie in the Good Roads Day picture. In the picture beneath her, the child to the far right is Elna. And the little girl with the sheep is Aunt Cindy. Is it possible that the woman in the far right picture, upper row, is Aunt Sofe? I think that Mr. Woodruff was the teacher. Any one else? Maybe we should have asked more questions.

  4. It is funny how things turn out. I remember looking through Mother's old photo album and seeing all of those "old" people, or people I didn't know and never asking questions. It was just so much fun peaking into another world, where the way people lived and the way they dressed were different from me.
    This reminds me, I need to get out my old photo albums and spend time with my kids going through them, and going through the photos I copied to my computer from Dwight's CD and writing about them so there are fewer (notice I didn't claim none)mysteries.

  5. Again, it shows how important it is to identify people in pictures in our albums or on the backs of the pictures (of course with archival pens) I always thought Mothers' quips were clever but it's too bad she didn't put names to faces. I have become more careful to do that
    Birchell might be able to tell who Mr. Woodruff was, but I suspect he was the teacher. To Judy's question about the building - it was constructed with concrete blocks in 1918 and had three rooms. Birchell and his father tore it down sometime in the late 20's, salvaging the blocks. I remember seeing some big blocks at Fred Hopkins' place. There was also a bell in a cupola on the school. Birchell acquired this bell and mounted it on his garage which he showed Dwight and me on one of our visits. He is pretty proud of it.
