Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Birthday to Elizabeth

 Does it feel as though the time has flown by? Happy Birthday to a very dear sister. I hope you have a wonderful day. Love you lots.

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  1. Happy birthday dear sister and thankyou for your share of doating. Love Steve and Mary Lynn.

  2. Thank you, Ann and Steve and Mary Lynn, but you must know that I can't remember when this picture was taken (after the Prom?), but it is distinctly one of my less favorite ones. Oh, well, after 2/3 of a century, it doesn't matter in the long run.

  3. Did you get to go to the prom? Lucky you! I just remember that you frequently wore your hair like this and yet I don't know of any other picture showing it.
    The conclusion is: we love you, Elizabeth, in any picture. And this branch of the tree bears congratualtions on this landmark, and good wishes for the years to come. Much love to you!

  4. I'm sorry about this photo not being a favorite. There are a few of those out there of me, but like you said, "oh, well". And they still tell part of the story. Looking at the scenery behind you, it all looks so bleak. I think that is why I remember spring with so much fondness. However, I do have a couple of questions about the photo. Where did the suit come from? Guess you have already answered my second question about the posies. Love you sister, dear.

  5. And now there is a beautiful flower. That is a favorite photo in anyone's book. Thank you Dwight for the repair job.

  6. Ann, that was silly of me to worry about that picture. The suit was a hand-me-down from who knows where? (Not Louise). And it was very sweet to see the beautiful favorite iris in place o that picture. It is true that that picture told a story. Notice the past tense.
    The back of the birthday card you sent me says it all for the 6 of us: "Our lives are connected - heart to heart, soul to soul..." And while that is a little sentimental, it does say it all.

  7. Being sentimental is ok, actually downright important on special occasions. All is well.
