Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Minnie Wasden Blood Scholarship Fund at Northwest College in Powell WY

I am happy to tell all of our family that the initial $5000 donation for the Minnie Wasden Blood Scholarship in elementary education at Northwest College in Powell WY has been completed.  The State of Wyoming has matched with another $5000, so we have a $10,000 endowment with which to begin the scholarship.  The first scholarship will be awarded this fall, and we will be informed about the recipient when it is awarded.

I think Mothers Day is an appropriate day to share this news.  I love the idea that one young person each year will receive a few hundred dollars to help him or her prepare to be an elementary school teacher.  The elementary ed program at Powell has expanded greatly, according to Shelby Wetzel, director of the NW College Foundation.  I think Mother would look on with approval.

Shelby Wetzel informs me that the College has some remaining state matching funds available if we want to continue adding to the scholarship.  Each $1, therefore, is expanded to $2.  The earnings from $10,000 are not munificent, but I know from my own experience how much an extra hundred dollars (or five, or ten) would have meant to me in college, and Shelby confirms this from her experience in working with so many students at the college. 

I do not want to put any pressure on anyone, whatsoever.  I intend to continue making modest contributions as time goes along.  If anyone else wishes to share in expanding this scholarship opportunity, I invite you to do so.  Even $50 now and then would add up.  I do need to let the College know about how much we think we might add to the scholarship over the next several years so they can earmark the matching funds for us, thus enabling a doubling of the effect of our contributions.  Please let me know if you think you would like to continue to participate.  I thank all who have donated $50, $100, or more up to this point.  If you would rather not participate, you need not reply and that will be fine.  But I would like to let Shelby know whether we think we can raise an additional thousand or two in the next two or three years to add to the scholarship.  I intend to leave something in my will for a modest increment to the scholarship.  Again, thank you.  I think we will all feel good about seeing this scholarship in operation.

Donations can be sent to Shelby Wetzel, Director Northwest College Foundation, 231 West Sixth St., Powell WY 82435.  They are tax deductible.


  1. Dwight, this has been a noble thing that you have done. You have persisted through thick and thin, stock market crashes, etc., etc., etc. The thrust of this has been your doing, and your stick-to-itvness has paid off. (Spell check didn't like that word.)

  2. This is good to hear, I will echo Elizabeth's words in it's a great thing you have done to honor our mother.

  3. We all appreciate your efforts and sacrifice. Thank you very much
