Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Memorial Day Memories

Dear Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa, We're all sorry we can't be there on this Memorial Day with armloads of purple iris and lilacs to pay tribute to your resting place in person, but we all live too far away and we each are getting closer to the end of our own earthly existence.  But we can each tell you that not a day goes by that we don't think about you, and miss you, and have questions to ask you, because, especially you, Mom, were so darn stingy with information that we wanted to know and still want to know.  We are all continually amazed as we gain new insights each year about the magnitude of the sacrifices you made and the perseverance you unwaveringly pursued to bless each of us and make our lives possible and to endow us with the qualities that we each possess.  We owe you more than we can ever repay.  Though we can't be there today, we are all sentimental cry babies and cherish all of the sights and sounds and voices and winter snows and summer flowers and hayfields and admonishments to go to bed at 8:30 even when we were 30 years old.  We thank Burchell and Ruby for bringing flowers to your graves each Memorial Day, as close as we can get to being there ourselves.  But we can tell you that we six Blood kids that you left behind have stuck together and loved and supported one another through all of these years, united in our devotion to each other and to our parents and grandparents.  See you next year.  Love, Louise, Dwight, Elizabeth, Judy, Ann, and Steve


  1. Before Ann "suggested" that I copy and paste this post to its rightful place, I had tried it and failed. Then Ann (who was somewhat of a pest as a little girl) persisted, and I ignored her because why should she boss me around? Then I got in a good humor, reflected on the fact that Ann really, truly, does know stuff and that I had better try again if I knew what was good for me. So! Voila! Happy day! and here it is where it belongs, and you can all thank Ann.

  2. Thank you! Ann really is amazing, but, then, so are you to have composed this posting in the first place. Glad it came home to Penrose Mornings.

  3. And this posting has found its home. Am glad you can overlook the "pest" part and give the "suggestion" a second try. It wasn't even the third time that was the "charm". Thank you for going to the effort. Your writing has such a warm touch of emotion and pulls us together once again. Please keep writing.
