Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Curtains on the Windows

I suspect if I played with this photo I could cut back on the glare, but oh, well. And what can you see in this photo? Note, the curtains on the windows. I can't imagine Dwight lived in this room and didn't have curtains, unless he dressed and undressed in the dark.
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  1. Now we know that Dwight did have curtains, because upon seeing these, I remember Dwight having them too. Let us continue the debate with this picture of Steve studying hard for tomorrow's test. What a good boy.

  2. These particular curtains were the ones that Mother let me pick the fabric. I was actually probaly painting here, I can't feature myself studying. Thanks anyway.

  3. Well there goes the Dwight had curtains theory. What was Steve painting?

  4. Dwight and Steve collaborated.

  5. At least Steve had his best girl's picture on the shelf by the lamp!

  6. But, the lamp needs a little repair to it. And remember the old brown kitchen chairs that Mother put red seats on? I think that these particular curtains were made by Mother after Dwight left home. But I can't imagine him not having some kind of window covering, can you? Why don't we remember every little bit of information?

  7. OK, I scanned back through the blog and on May 30 2008 there is a photo which clearly shows curtains before I got to choose new ones. By the way, going back through the blog is amazing.

  8. Good sleuthing, Steve. We always had some sort of curtains on the windows - It wouldn't have been proper not to have some covering on them. Besides, if Loouise or I forgot to pull our curtains closed at night, and were in the room with the lights on, Dwight used to chide us quite severely. (Doesn't that sound schoolmarmish?)

  9. Wow! Steve went back a long way to find the historical truth.

  10. historical truth is an oxymoron
