Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More Judy

Judy played the cello during high school. The focus on this photo is not great, but it does give a little bit of a look at the added on room in the Penrose house. By the way, Judy was reallly good on the cello. She even mastered vibrato.
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  1. And Ann played the viola. And Steve played base???

  2. The first three siblings were in the band, the last three in the orchestra. Talk about soft!

  3. Not soft - just smart. Who wants to march on the football field in the middle of a blowing snow storm with the temperature in the single digits. There still was District Music Festival, All State Orchestra where I was first chair Viola until the director realized I couldn't do vibrato - I had a choice, either hit the right note or do vibrato - I was a one track- minded viola player. Besides, when I played on the lower strings it made my teeth rattle. I suppose that doesn't sound very sophisticated.
    However, the exposure we all got to music was so valuable. To this day I remember Mother's love for classical music and how we would listen to the hour of classical music over KODI on Saturday mornings. I learned a great appreciation for classical music from her.

  4. And yet, there were some really nice fall days, and I have to admit that I did love the marching then, the parade down main street before the games, and marching down the field at half time and doing the formations while playing a stirring Sousa number. There was something exihilerating about it for me.
