Friday, August 27, 2010

On The Way To School

1952?  I believe so.  This is the view from the house, facing east and the sunrise and the old church.  Can anyone name that car?  What does Ann have in her box?  Kittens?


  1. Or --- we are wearing white sandals, and my dress was store-bought. Was your skirt home made? I don't think I was allowed to wear sandals to school. They probably wouldn't have survived hop scotch and roller skating, to say nothing of running bases in soft ball. Could this have been Sunday? Our hair is curled, not the normal look for a hurried school morning. Do you remember what color your skirt was? And could the box contain the little bunny rabbit Joe Giles gave me? This is a fun photo - the car, the church, etc. Or then again, it could be a school day!

  2. Looks like you were both wearing sandals, and it seems like this was the first day of school. The car is a used Ford that was one of the first cars we had after the war - it seemed like magic, as I recall. (Who knows how my memory works?) Love the picture of the church house in the background with its "necesssry" adjunct building, and the old cottonwoods that still stood. You two girls look so spiffy and dolled up...Those were the days! (Did Joe Giles really give you a rabbit, Ann? Why don't I remember that?)

  3. Don't know if it helps or is important, but the car is a 1950 Ford Custom. Significant in that it was the second year of Ford's truly new post-war cars. This one looks like the basic trim level so I doubt you remember too much chrome inside or out, except the front bumper. How's that for a bunch or irrelevant information. I always enjoy looking at the pictures-first time to read the comments.
