Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mother's Chili Sauce

We all know that Mother (Grandma Minnie Blood) was a wonderful cook. She could take a bunch of leftovers from the tiny frig she had, and concoct something delicious for supper. Ann gave me this recipe the second summer I lived in Olympia, and I used to follow it to the letter. (Count out the 12 tomatoes, etc., etc., etc.) Finally, the supply of ingredients would vary, so the recipe would turn out a little different each time. Now, it's a matter of throwing this in and that in. I no longer peel the tomatoes first - just slice them, throw on some sugar - (That's from Ann, who alters and changes, just like Mother.) She told me to just skim off the skins as they rise to the top. Now, after more than a few years' hiatus, I decided to make the sauce again. Now, Ann has another change. Use the crock pot. Talk about easier. No more standing by a hot stove, stirring for hours - just throw everything in, stir every once in a while, and wait for things to happen. I didn't even reduce the first juice on the stove - it does take a while to do it in the crock pot, however. This procedure started yesterday morning, and this afternoon, it's still cooking away. I had so much sauce makings that it took a 6.5 quart and the old 5 quart crock pots, and they were almost running over. I was up in the middle of the night adding the chopped apples, because I couldn't get them in earlier. Now, the house smells heavenly, the chili sauce might be done by tomorrow morning, and then, instead of canning it as Mother did, it will go into containers in the freezer. Hurrah for modern conveniences and a sister who thinks outside the box. Try it, Judy, you'll like it.


  1. Seriously, I think you're on to something, like the Penrose Cooking Blog. These are great pictures, all you need is a few more specific step-by-step photos and some narrative. You could work your way through all the family recipe books. I think people would look at it, and you all need something to do besides quilt and go to fabric stores.

  2. I like Dwight's thought - what a fun idea for a blog.
    The aroma that comes from the chili sauce brewing away is a true sign of fall.
    It is always a little bit of an ego boost when I can get an older sibling to go on an adventure with me. Ah, the power!! Judy's resistance to buying a new crock pot was somewhat deflating, but I still think there is the possibility she will come around.

  3. Judy buy a new crockpot? Is the end of the world here? What do you know. I have been trying to get Annie to do a blog for three years now and finally hit on something she likes. I would write a poem about Annie, but finding rhyming words is difficult. But I am serious about the food, recipe, quilting, and artsy-craftsy blog. Do it!

  4. Take another look at Pioneer Woman and Mel's Kitchen Cafe. Great models.

  5. Pioneer Woman is one of my favorites. She has some really good recipes, and a great sense of humor.

  6. This sounds familiar, kind of like a marquetry blog? I could be wrong.

  7. Just to let you all know, I packed my "set in sugar over night" tomatoes, onions, peppers, apples and seasonings in a bag to "the kids' house" and had help with stirring and keeping an eye on it. Three days later I could still smell chili sauce when I opened the door to their house. With my $35.00 saved, I am going to buy Season 3!
    You all inspire me in one direction or another.....

  8. I am sure that you got it, but just in case you didn't: no, I didn't buy the crock pot.

  9. Ok, so since I didn't buy a new crock pot, does that mean I can go buy Season 3? Good choice, Judy. I love Steve's comment. The marquetry blog is in need of feeding, and I am afraid I have stuff to do before I start a blog. But Dwight could start it, and we could all contribute. Or not! A trip to the fabric store sounds like a great idea. See you later.

  10. Ann, thanks for the Monday morning perspective.

  11. And on and on. What recipe is next? I'm waiting with bated breath. And I just read the Pioneer Woman's recipe for Portabello Mushroom sandwiches. And, good for you, Judy - success. Season 3 will come down in price.
