Friday, November 12, 2010

Dad working on the new Powell LDS Church 195?

Foundation for the new Powell LDS Church


  1. Working on the new chapel in Powell was very satisfying to Dad. I remember how hard he worked to help get the chapel done. I'm glad you posted these photos. I think the chapel was finished the year before I graduated from High School because I think I remember going to DeAnna Sedwick's wedding reception in the little white church, and that would have been a year after Judy got married. I attended church in the new chapel before I left for BYU. I also remember speaking in the new chapel when I graduated from high school, along with the other kids graduating that year. I think there were six of us - Joe Giles, Shirley Bloomfield, Cheryl Sprague, Dorothy Roper, Carlene Ashby and me(1961) - Hmmm, this all sounds very convoluted, but I think it is right - or not!

  2. Dad built the pulpit and a wooden clock that hung in the back of the chapel until in the 70's, when it was replaced with one that the speakers could see better. Dad was proud of the hundreds of hours he was able to spend helping to build this church that is still in use today. A newer chapel on the west side of Powell also houses a couple of congregations.

  3. One other comment about Dad -the Stetson was always on his head, even though his hair didn't begin thinning until near the end of his life. He had one for dress and one for working. When he flew on any airline or traveled on the train, he was always dressed up, including the hat.
