Monday, February 14, 2011

May be Jack Davidson when we took Mom down to Tanners in Oregon?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. More to the story - when? Why? What? Why were you there, Dwight? Give us the rest of the story, please.

  3. Yes, that is Jack Davidson. We were on one of our adventures and were living in Salem, Oregon for a summer. The visit was to try and give some perspective to our wanderings. Dwight said we should go back to school, Mother just smiled and Jack played with the kids. I do wonder why it takes so long to take advice that was wisely given. We only were in Salem for the summer and then we headed to BYU where Paul was hired on BYU Security and went to school, for a little while. Mother had come with Jack and Dwight. I don't have clue whose dog that is, probably a neighbor's.

  4. Oh, yes, the Tanner in front is Jim, John is partially hidden. The Beagle that is licking Jack's face was our dog - she got run over while we were living in Salem, and that was the beginning of Greg's non-hot dog eating life. We had hot dogs for dinner the night she was killed, and Greg thought we were eating the dog. His dislike for hot dogs has never changed.
