Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Grinder

This hand cranked equipment was the meat/and everything else grinder.  How else can you correctly prepare the raisens for the raisen filled cookies?  A good chunk of cooked meat could be ground with some seasoning into tasty sandwich makings.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Best Apple Peeler

One reason I cannot redo my kitchen with new cabinets, is because I would loose my 3 bread boards.  You can see that they are used  as a ground for very modern kitchen equipment.  This is Mother's old apple peeler.

Which of us gave that handle the most cranks?  Even though we were acknowledged for being "good helpers" at applesauce making time, I'm sure that Mother was the winner in this contest.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Family Gathering for Mother's Funeral in Olympia, 1981

Not the clearest picture with only limited mp's, but a family keepsake, nonetheless.  I'll let my sisters do the left to rights. Just edit the blog, not the comments.
Because I always do exactly what Dwight says to do....Left to right:  Louise, Diana and baby, Cheryl and baby, Aunt Lorraine, Vern, Uncle Brooks, Aunt Sofe, Velna, Steve, Elna, Elizabeth, Ross, Shannon, Russell (Dad), Aunt Cindy, Joleen, Uncle Norman, Judy with Benjamin, and Robert.  Ann and family were on their way.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Much wisdom being transmitted here

Sofe Johnson Wasden and Brooks Wasden
Am I wrong, or did we as youngsters pay a lot more attention to our aunts and uncles than our nieces and nephews pay to us today?  Just wondered.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Aunts and an Uncle: Olympia 1981

Lucinda and Norman Sorensen, Elna House, Sofe Johnson
Have 30 years gone by since I took these pictures?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In Olympia, 1981

Brooks Wasden, Sofe Johnson, Elna House, Russell Blood

Tuesday, March 15, 2011



I could have just e-mailed him but then no one else would have known about it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Russell Blood in 1981

I've decided to post a series of photos I took at Mom's funeral in 1981.  Many of them are of some historical interest.  Here is the first one, of Dad.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Another Piece of the Story

Remember the photo Dwight posted of Jack Davidson playing with little Tanner boys on the grass? This is the companion photo that shows those of us who were watching. Again, it was Dwight taking the photo. So, yes, that is Mother's dress hem that is showing in the previous post.

More Carts

There were a couple of photos posted not long ago showing a much more "modern" cart, however, this cart was a true treasure. Home made is always best! And what a great way to keep little ones in one place for a long walk. I am assuming Mother walked from the little house up to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Is that correct? Some of the fun things about this photo are the fact Grandpa made the cart, wheels and all, the great view of the hills in the background, a familiar gate, and is that a garden growing along the path. The cart Grandpa made in later years was patterned after this one.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dad And The Growing Boys

Dad loved a good meal and could store food away quite heartily, but he was always impressed with how much "grub" the growing boys could put away.  This was when Jay was playing football for Wash State which required major consumption.  Tony is just taking it all in.  These were wonderful days in Olympia, when we were surrounded by family.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dwight and Russell M.

I had this midget camera for a few years that took midget pictures, but I thought this one worth saving.  Orem in the 80s.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Touring China

The Gages took us to Seattle to the big traveling China exhibit. We had such a memorable time together.