Sunday, March 20, 2011

Much wisdom being transmitted here

Sofe Johnson Wasden and Brooks Wasden
Am I wrong, or did we as youngsters pay a lot more attention to our aunts and uncles than our nieces and nephews pay to us today?  Just wondered.


  1. Living in the same 2 counties helped. And our aunts and uncles were often initiated opportunites, like Dwight and Velna did with my kids while they were in the Provo area.

  2. When we were kids and parents and aunts and uncles were visiting in the living room, it was very informative to hang around and listen - Strange to hear our parents in another role than their parental role to us. The 8 years I lived back in Powell with my 5 were made richer by having Aunt Cindy and Uncle Norman, Aunt Sofe, and Aunt Elna in my life. Cindy shared her pressure cooker, they plowed my garden, invited us to important occasions like Christmas Eve supper, etc. Lots of wisdom and encouragement over those years! And my children knew that they had Great aunts and uncles. (Even Uncle David got into the mix.) Life was much richer because of this great family connection.

  3. Or, with Brooks in the mix, maybe there was a bit of nonsense, too?

  4. I love these comments. I'll continue posting until I run out.

  5. And lives were lived differently. I think for my three older siblings, the relationships they had with Aunts and Uncles was very different from my relationship. I always cared, but we weren't close, however I knew if I needed help, I could call and they would come.
    I remember how Dwight, Louise and Elizabeth would go visit Grandma and Grandpa (early on) and always Cindy, when they would come home from college, or just to visit. I never did that (whatever would I say and why would they want to see me?), but there is a letter I had written to Mother that asked her to apologize to Cindy for not doing so. Families depended on each other, we lived close to each other back then; there were times when we went to dinner at Cindy's or once at Elna's, and parents initiated picnics up North Fork, Fishing Bridge, etc. The six of us have lived so scattered about, it hasn't been possible to create that same link, except for moments, like when we lived in Olympia and had Judy's and Elizabeth's families close, along with Mother and Dad. When we lived in Orem, Dwight's family was grown and/or gone, but I always felt there was concern for all when we would see their family. There is still love and concern for Aunts and Uncles that is expressed in phone calls, and when family gets together, we go through the list on how everyone is doing. It just isn't quite the same. My "do-over" wish list includes our families gathering together more often during those early years.

  6. This is a tender subject for us all and revives feelings of love and of another wonderful part of life gone by.
