Thursday, May 5, 2011

James Preston Hawkins

This unidentified photo has been in the "unknown" collection of old family photos.  A year or so ago, strictly by deduction, Shannon and I came to the conclusion that it "might" be James Preston Hawins, our g-g-g-grandfather, (Roscoe Blood, Sarah Batty Hawkins Blood, James Preston Hawkins).  Yesterday, Steven Lukins, also a direct line of J.P. Hawkins,  forwarded the same picture with the following: "The picture was labeled by Myrtle as James Preston Hawkins her grandfather. "  Now we have positive identification.  Welcome, James Preston Hawkins to the family gallery.


  1. A true frontiersman from Kentucky! It's amazing how Shannon's perseverance is solving so many mysteries. And her mother's help is not too far behind. Thank you for this connection.

  2. Isn't it amazing how things pull together. Another mystery solved. I love being able to sit back and watch as these clues are pieced together. Good work!
