Friday, June 10, 2011

Paul and Kathryn Ann Tanner Family

“Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3).


  1. Oh my goodness. This seems like forever ago and yet just yesterday. Gray hair and lots of learning has gone on since this photo was taken. I can't imagine life without the little group of neat people shown here. Ironically, Sunday is our 47th wedding anniversary. It has all been such an amazing journey - and we still have miles to go. Thank you, Judy.

  2. Is it your wedding anniversary tomorrow, Ann? Hard to keep track. You were only married 16-1/2 years when Ron and I got married? What a wonderful family. Each one is special in his or her own way. And haven't they gifted you both with many grandchildren?

  3. Elizabeth, Jim and John are Seniors in high school in this photo, so they are probably 18 or close to it. We were married in 1964, so hopefully we were married a little more than 16 1/2 years when you and Ron were married. And yes, there are 21 grandchildren - life is very good!

  4. PS. Math has never been my strength - I think this was taken the summer before Jim and John's senior year so they would have been 17 - or whatever.

  5. Happy Anniversary #47. That makes me smile about you.

  6. For the record, this picture was in the Spring of 1983. Jim and John were getting ready to graduate, and I remember because I loved the dress I am wearing and remember when I got it - actually, I still have the dress but my girls think it's a little dated and for some reason refuse to wear it, go figure.

  7. This is a regrouping moment, or, to say it another way, re-engaging my brain. Ok, so here's the deal. This photo was taken either in the fall or the spring of Jim and John's senior year, which would have been 1982-1983. And totally unconnected (although not really), is the fact that Paul and I were married in June of 1964 and Elizabeth and Ron were married in January 1980, therefore, yes, indeed, we would have been married only 16 1/2 years when they were married.
    Now, I realize that everyone else is thinking I have totally lost it, so just remember that I do still have sane moments. Aren't I lucky!

  8. Oh yes, I can hardly wait to post some of the rest of your math.

  9. What is this going to cost me?

  10. Do you mean that I had my math correct? She who can't get any figures straight (means I always purchase more fabric than a quilt needs.) Thank you, Ann. The picture is still a wonderful classic, and will be especially enjoyed by your family and ours for years to come.
