Thursday, August 18, 2011

What A Difference a Year Makes

Ok, I know, I need to have my own blog, and I just may surprise you one of these first days. However, it is important to put the next chapter on the blog to follow up on a post dated Wednesday May 12, 2010.

The photo above seems to ask, "who needs a garden gate?". The squash and melons have a mind of their own.
The flowers across the front of the family room windows have been beautiful this year.
One days' harvest. It is time to make catsup and beet soup, maybe even some dilly beans. Work to do, work to do! The tomatoes are a jungle, the squash and melons (including 12 watermelon) are merrily filling in any empty space they can find, and life is good. This has been a great team effort this year, and feels really good.


  1. These are "fruits of your labors" pictures. They inspire us all. And we remember the results of persevering. Good gardening.

  2. I started to post this earlier and stopped because Google asked me for a phone no. and I sais,"hell NO," then I realized they probably have it anyway, so here goes again.
    Ann, you probably have most of this in your garden anyway.
    Romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce, fresh blueberries, fresh strawberries, pecan halves or pcs., red onion, feta cheese, toss with raspberry vinaigerette mixed with olive oil (preferably home made). Water crackers for something crunchy.

  3. Your vineyard has flourished - hurrah!

  4. Ann, I don't see where you tried it, loved it!!!
