Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Another Long-ago Picture

The names written on the back of this fuzzy, out-of-focus old picture says "Russell Blood & Jack Riddle". Dad's stance gives him away - you couldn't miss him. Just thought this was an interesting picture - taken at the ranch in Sunlight? Who knows? More history to this? Since no one is playing these days but Steve, we might never know any more.


  1. Where are you finding these photos? I have NEVER seen this one before. What a fun find.
    Life is busy, busy, busy - don't know why, but it just is.

  2. Ok, here is a second thought about this photo. Jack and Dad were quite close in age. The man on Jack Riddle's left appears to be somewhat older than Jack. At that point in Dad's life, his face was very long and thin - this man's face appears to be quite full and the man appears to be more stocky than Dad was. Could this photo have been mislabeled? This doesn't really matter in any way shape or form, but I am a little puzzled by the photo - I must be running out of stuff to do - or I just don't want to do the stuff I should do, if I have time for this nonsense.

  3. I stuck it on photo shop this morning and played around for a bit, sure would love the new program that takes the blur out. Anyway, I think it's Dad, I'll post what I have when I get time to finish my messing around.
