Friday, December 9, 2011

Background Picture

After much trial and several tribulations here is a background picture. Ann informed me she was tired of autumn leaves and it was Christmas. Why is she always the instigator of everything? Anyway I more or less figured it out. First, convert to "blogger in draft" a sort of beta form of blogger. Which I did in case you notice the format is a tad different. Go to Design.>templatedesigner>background image>upload image.
The image is supposed to be no larger than 1800 x 1600 pixels but I had to get this one down to 500x333.
It's a bit much but the only other choice is to put the picture in the upper left or upper right corner and then have a plain yet-to-be-determined color for the rest of the blog. Feel free to vote.  Or find a better Christmas picture.  At least it's better than solid black.  We'll do better as we figure this out.  L, D.


  1. Congratulations, Dwight, on figuring out something complicated with such a pleasing result. Now, you have a new canvas for your pictures! And, Ann, thanks - that's motivating, not instigating (bad).

  2. Don't give her so much credit. She'll get bossy.

  3. Maybe so, but did you ever consider that someone else put her up to it? (I'll never tell.)

  4. Sure love you guys. It is nice to be useful. And the blog looks so Christmasy.

  5. You do know that Elizabeth nominated Ann to get Dwight to take care of "it". Truly nice job as it background is perfect. Thanks for finding how to do it.

  6. Next time I will ask who told you to tell me to do something. And I'll ask myself, why am I doing this? And what is J doing up all night?

  7. This nice part is that Dwight always does exactly as he is told. Steve is much the same.
