Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year: Something Bright and Beautiful, Something Frosty and Beautiful

I decided to freshen us all up a bit for the New Year.  We all have problems and issues, but we can now put 2011 behind us, remembering the good and forgetting the bad.  Today and tomorrow are what count.  Happy New Year and much love to all.


  1. Thank you! Beautiful picture(s), but the one above is one of my very favorites. And, who knows what this year holds for our families, but we can always have hope for the future. Happy New Year to all!

  2. The sifting process of what to keep and what to throw away helps immensley. Good wishes for you and you and you.
    The beauties of winter are captured in your frosty photo.

  3. A whole new year and another pile of manure, I know that there's a pony in there somewhere. Happy New Year.

  4. If there is, you'll find it, Steve

  5. How does that saying go - Today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday. So I have decided to enjoy today because I won't sleep if I worry about tomorrow and I can't keep track of the yesterdays. And it will be a good year, doggone it!
