Monday, February 27, 2012

A Fun Journey

Today is a good day and kind of a sad day, because I finished copying over all of Penrose Mornings, including the comments and the photos. It has been so much fun to read through all of the birthday wishes, the goofy comments, the memories that have been written, and all of the treasures that have been shared. I think we have done an amazing job of putting together a record of something that is very important, not only to us, but to our posterity. In a way, I am sad to see this project come to an end (that is just my copying, Penrose Morning still has work to do)because as I copied everything over, I felt as though I was spending just a little time with each one of you, as well as our parents and grandparents, along with some very special people who we have yet to know.
The file that contains all of the records totals 2.4GB. There are a few extra photos in that file, and I am just including them so you can do with them as you wish. Steve has sent me a USB drive and I will burn a copy of Penrose Mornings for him onto that. Would any of you like a copy? I can burn it to a disc (I have plenty) or if you would rather have it on a USB drive, just send me one.
Now it is time to go get Grandpa Wasden's missionary journals copied. I am told it is always good to have a project, so this must all be good.


  1. Congratulations. I wondered what you have been doing. I'll figure out some way to get a copy. Meanwhile, where is everyone else? Huh?

  2. Here - but Ann has gone the extra, extra mile to do this for all of us. We owe her big time (safe to say from 150 miles away). Thank you - will let you know how to copy my copy. Maybe I can make booklets in increments. How I have loved this blog, and thank Dwight for beginning, and all of you for your contributions. We are running a bit low on things to put in, (and the pictures of the "pictures" for the marquetry blog are slow in coming from me, for sure.), but it would be very good for each of us to check in and chime in, adding our "what's going on in this life" contributions.

  3. Used to be, someone could say "beans" and 35 comments would quickly appear. Now, zilch.

  4. You call this "zilch"? Be patient, there is more to come, I'm sure.

  5. Thank you Ann! I'd hate to count the hours you have invested in copying the blog. We are all very appreciative. I wonder how pages to print?

  6. That is how Many pages to print.
