Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Ann asked me if I would post this months ago, so here I am right on time.  Grandpa made this for us and Grandma called Mom and told her to send Ann and me up the house.  We had no idea what the surprise was until we got there.  I do remember how delighted Grandpa was when he gave it to us.  We pushed it out of the yard and started down the hill when the wheels wouldn't turn anymore.  We tried dragging it but it was just too much work. We were afraid to take it back to Grandpa so one of us high tailed home and told Dad, he brought the old Ford truck up and loaded on to take home.  He got the wheels loosened up for us and the history begins.  I'm going to jump to when Ann and Paul brought it east with them and later brought it to Boston. (NY for those of you that don't know.)  I used it for years in my office to hold rolls of blue prints until it just took up too much room.  It's still solid except for the back leg needs to be welded which I will get around to this summer.


  1. Did we really bring it to you in New York? That cart provided hours of entertainment for us, from hauling the cats, firewood, each other, and whatever else we could find. When you look at the wheels, do you wonder what Grandpa fashioned them out of? Thank you for posting the later version of "the cart".

  2. During the two years that I and my five lived in the old house in Penrose, that old cart hauled all kinds of things for us, including some corral "stuff" for the garden. The girls used it to haul cats and kittens over to Emmy's where the old willow tree and the tree house were still standing. Giving it back to Ann was a very good thing, I think! And then Ann's taking it to Steve should remove all doubts from his mind that she cares a lot about him. Of course, she might have wanted to keep it for the chicken business to haul the eggs, etc.???

  3. What a wonderful post this is! That cart was our mode of transportation as we traveled to the boundaries of our Penrose world. Yes, and don't forget the many dolls, plus each other, that were given rides. Happy days. Happy to remember.
