Sunday, March 11, 2012

Three Chickens? What good are 3 chickens?

The alarming news has reached me by the grapevine.  Since this blog has a whole batch of slackers who are shirking their duties to say stuff like good morning, good night, how are you, and stuff like that, anything at all, I am having to bear the harsh burden of carrying the water from the pump to the wash day tubs all by myself.  First of all, Ann never told me she had cut her chicken allocation down to 3.  Why 3?  With 3 chickens you might get one or two eggs a day but not enough for potato salad, omelets, cakes, pies, cookies, etc., etc.  We are supposed to be spending more money, creating economic stimulus, not spending less.  We must do our patriotic duty.  Consider these factors:  With 3 chickens, you still get voluminous quantities of you know what which you have to dump over your neighbor's fence.  You might as well have five or even ten.  There are economies of scale, which means for Econ 110 know nothings that the more you have and do the cheaper the having and doing.  I am told these will be gorgeous chickens.  Are chickens for showing off or are they for eggs, feather beds, fried chicken for Sunday dinner, and eggs for omelets?  Ordinarily I wouldn't take time on the Sabbath day, but I was so shocked to learn of the reallocation of chicken resources down to 3 without having been consulted to begin with that I felt it was my duty to discuss this urgent matter.  Have a nice day.


  1. This is called "easing" into a situation that may or may not be a good thing. Ann is showing more wisdom and sense than hurrying full tilt into things. The limit is 5? Do cats like chickens? Where is the chicken coop going? Front yard? Back Yard? Life is so full of surprises and so interesting!

  2. Did Noah take 2 chickens or 2 eggs on the Ark so he didn't have to clean up after the chickens? And if he took 2 eggs how did he know one was a rooster egg and one a hen egg? The Bible just doesn't give us much information. I had this inspiration during the sermon in church today.

  3. It is late, but I have to add just a quick note and then will expand on this tomorrow. We have in fact ordered 12 chicks, 4 Red Star, 4 Silver Laced Wyandottes, and 4 Black Australops. Anyone who wants to go to the PO with me the end of May (date to still be determined), please let me know.

  4. Does anyone remember when Ezra the mailman brought the big cardboard box full of holes and a hundred or so cheeping chirping little yellow chicks?

  5. I do remember the chicks coming in the mail. Then there were the times when we went to Garland to pick up the box of chicks at the P.O. It was so much fun.

    When we lived east of Salem, UT we ordered chicks in the mail. We got a phone call from a somewhat grumpy postal worker, early in the morning, telling us that we had a very noisy box at the post office and would we please come and get it sooner rather than later. Who wanted to go to school when you could go the P.O. and pick up a box of chicks?
    If you go to Murray McMurray Hatchery, click on Baby chicks, click on Barred Rocks, scroll down to the photo "Barred Rock Chicks", click on the arrow, you can enjoy the cheep, cheep for old times' sake.

  6. Oh, I was wrong. Not 3 chicks, but 3 kinds of chicks! Now I get it!
    Let me say again, I think we are all a little envious that we are not going to the post office to pick up our own noisy, and full of round holes box.

  7. It wasn't easy finding the Murry McMurry Hatchery - after many tries, I did make it to the peeping chicks video. Cute - now you can have them. Can you imagine Ez driving around with boxes of baby chicks in the back seat? Noisier than a school bus full of kids! And, Dwight, how come we have to do the non-robot proof now. nuisance, for sure.

  8. Elizabeth, when I don't log into Penrose Morning I have to do the non-robot thing. Maybe you weren't logged in???

  9. I don't know what you're talking about the non-robot proof? No idea! Explain. I haven't done anything whatsoever to change anything whatsoever. Whatsoever. D.

  10. Elizabeth, I think I discovered why you had such a hard time finding the hatchery. Check your spelling on Murray (Murry?). When I type in Murray McMurray Hatchery it comes right up. Sorry for the confusion. Maybe??

  11. What a difference an "a" makes.
