Monday, April 9, 2012

Judy and Ann Dyeing Easter Eggs, again

I know this has been posted before, but in the spirit of Easter again, here it is once more.  Ann in Pigtails, Judy in Shirley Temple curls.  It is getting more and more difficult to get a rise out of anyone for comments, however.  Used to be a one sentence inane comment would net 18 comments at least.


  1. I'll leave a comment. I love the photos of your sisters (and you). Seems to be the same era I grew up, dresses looked like mine. Sure hope you had a great Easter.

  2. Hi Barbara, glad you found our blog and that you like it. It's always fun to relive our own lives from similar experiences others have had. Glad to have you comment from time to time. Mass. is a long way from Penrose WY! DMB

  3. Ann and I have discussed the fact that she and I both had pigtails, and Judy (blonde) had curls. Hmmmmmm.

  4. Delightful to have other comments and glad that they can relate to our life. (Or we to theirs.) As to the curls, I didn't have them often, but I know it was at my request. Easter was wonderful then and it is now.

  5. And I had neither pigtails nor curls, just straight. I wonder why my hair was not braided. It took a lot of time to curl it - in the early days with a curling iron that was heated over the keresene lamp, and didn't stay in very long.

  6. I always wanted to have blonde hair (blondes have more fun) and curls, but even the magic in a bottle could not help make that happen for me. And the straight hair syndrome haunts me, no matter what hair style I try. Oh, well!
    But, just to let you know, having pigtails was not very fun. First thing, having Mother, who had little time for what was absolutely not necessary in the early morning hours, brush through my tangled hair was painful for me, and very trying for her. Having Judy's fourth grade friends think my pigtails were something to hang on to while I roller skated on the sidewalk at Park Side made me feel somewhat accepted or abused - I am not sure which. I was just a lowly first grader, so I guess I was "cool". And in later years I have often wondered if the extreme parting of my hair down the back of my head can be traced back to those years of pulling my hair tightly into those neatly entwined braids, in hopes they would stay looking neat for at least a few hours. I have been assured by those who allegedly know "hair" that is not the case, but instead, that is probably the only thing Mother could do with my hair because of the twists and turns in how my hair was "made". I am not convinced.

  7. PS Note the size of the eggs. Those were true "country fresh" eggs, full of nutrition, without antibiotics, not raised on overly preserved feed, but were laid by happy chickens who had not been kept in a box every day of their lives. Need I say more?

  8. How can you tell that the eggs were laid by happy chickens? I didn't know that chickens were acquainted with emotion.

  9. P.S.s don't count to reach the eighteen comments. Happy Easter everyone.

  10. Steve, good to hear from you. It was a very nice Easter. Ann, a beautician tried to tell me that the reason I had a high forehead was because my hair was braided. And, if you think that Mother's brushing and combing pulled, you ought to have had Louise at the helm. The only disadvantage of braids was that when I stayed over with someone, I tried my best to tidy my pigtails, but it never worked. Yours got pulled at recess. In 5th grade when we learned to write with a pen holder and point, and ink in the wells in our desks, the boy behind me would try to dip the ends in his ink well. What a mess! (Steve, this is not a p.s.)

  11. Steve, good to hear from you. It was a very nice Easter. Ann, a beautician tried to tell me that the reason I had a high forehead was because my hair was braided. And, if you think that Mother's brushing and combing pulled, you ought to have had Louise at the helm. The only disadvantage of braids was that when I stayed over with someone, I tried my best to tidy my pigtails, but it never worked. Yours got pulled at recess. In 5th grade when we learned to write with a pen holder and point, and ink in the wells in our desks, the boy behind me would try to dip the ends in his ink well. What a mess! (Steve, this is not a p.s.)

  12. Steve, good to hear from you. It was a very nice Easter. Ann, a beautician tried to tell me that the reason I had a high forehead was because my hair was braided. And, if you think that Mother's brushing and combing pulled, you ought to have had Louise at the helm. The only disadvantage of braids was that when I stayed over with someone, I tried my best to tidy my pigtails, but it never worked. Yours got pulled at recess. In 5th grade when we learned to write with a pen holder and point, and ink in the wells in our desks, the boy behind me would try to dip the ends in his ink well. What a mess! (Steve, this is not a p.s.)

  13. Happy chickens talk differently, so I am told. I'll let you know. Elizabeth's double posting is helpful in the count. Think I will take the PS off my post so it counts all by itself.

  14. I thought the subject was Easter eggs and how I was hoodwinked each Easter by four girls and left with meager pickings. Now we have the history of hairdos. Thought about cleaning up Liz's TRIPLE posting. She must have kept punching the publish button in exasperation. The internet works s-l-o-w-l-y up there in Preston.

  15. That's the beauty of a picture, you just never know where it will take your thoughts. Hair or Easter eggs, it all works. Besides, i always thought you got the best decals, Dwight.
