Sunday, April 15, 2012

Letter from Mom January 7, 1950

January 7, 1950

Hi, Dwite!

Of all the weeks you have been gone from home I bet there has never been another like this. Yes? No? What's for supper? It's bound to be good.

Maybe from down there it didn't look like you'd gained much by leaving Sunday, but from up here it sure did.  Sunday afternoon it started to turn cold.  By Monday morning it was really cold and by Tuesday morning it was cold enough to read 20 degrees below 0 and never even got up to 0 degrees that day.  Yesterday was better tho, and this morning was all of 5 degrees above zero.  Clear and beautiful all week.  Weather report-Finis.

Hogs up to $16--looks better.  Louise sure likes it at Thompson's (Louise and I had been staying at home for fall quarter at Northwest (Junior) College in Powell, but when I took the car to Laramie she found a room at the home of my high school vocational agriculture teacher in Powell).  Ann and Steve have ended up sleeping in your bedroom and Judy and Liz are together.  That way there are plenty of covers.  Steve thinks he should save all the funnies for you till you come home.

How is schedule and work and all shaping around?  So many have said they were sorry to see you go but were glad you did--even Biddle (Miss Biddle, my high school English teacher and our annual sponsor our senior year).  Love, Mother

Note: This letter was written January 7.  I left January 1, so it was likely about January 10 before I heard from home in that era without telephones.  Miss Biddle, I am told is, of this date in 2012, about 102 years old and still alive.)


  1. Mother and Dad had a lot of faith in you. How do we help our children fulfill their dreams when there just isn't enough to go around? We send them off and with all of the shaky confidence we can muster encourage them every step of the way. Hard stuff.
    I don't remember sleeping in the same room as Steve, and can't imagine that lasted very long. Our interpretation of the call for bedtime probably made Mother's life a little challenging.

  2. 20 below zero? How did the car ever run? How old was Mother when you left for college?
