Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Dwight at approximately age 12.  The shirt was a blue shirt that Mom made.  The little thing dangling from my belt loop was a little circle puzzle that came apart in about a dozen pieces and that I loved to put back together.  I assume Mother cut my hair as I was not yet old enough to go to Art's Barber Shop by the Teton Theater in Powell WY for my haircuts during high school.  Dad planted every square inch of our yard into sugar beets that year, desperate for every extra penny he could make.  Our barn, coal bin, and chicken house were all made from slabs from Uncle Alvin's sawmill.


  1. So glad you came to the party, Dwight. We have such few photos of you in your youth. I must have been around 9, which makes you 12? Thanks again for posting all of these photos that Uncle Norman took. Was the occasion Steve's blessing? I always wondered. And, where's Ann?

  2. By the way, what a sweet boy.
