Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Important Package

Just wanted to let you know the Post Office called to let me know I had a very noisy little box that needed to be picked up.  Photos aren't great, but I just wanted to share. 


  1. Not a white one in the batch. Happy Mother henning. (That's Elizabethspeak.)

  2. Aren't they cute? Will we get updates as they grow?

  3. Just like days of yore. Did the post office really call you? That is the best part.....that you got to go pick up your noisy package. They are indeed cute.

  4. New pictures? They have surely grown already?

  5. They should be fryers by now, yummy,Mother still made the best gravy, it had to be the raw whole milk.

  6. Speaking of gravy, anyone remember the liver and gravy with pancakes for Sunday dinner? I have never gotten anyone interested, I miss it.

  7. Liver and gravy - that was so good. I actually bought some liver and cooked it. Paul ate a couple of bites, Laura "tried" it and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  8. Love liver with onions and then liver gravy on mashed potatoes. Brig chose it as his last Sunday meal at home before he left on his mission. (Note: liver was the cheapest meat in the store - we had it about twice a month.) How did we get from chickens to liver and gravy? Steve?

  9. Interesting how we migrate from chickens to liver gravy. I don't remember it with pancakes but I do remember having liver gravy. I craved liver when I was pregnant with my first baby, had it every week. I don't find it in the grocery store anymore. So how are the chicks doing? Update?

  10. Elizabeth, you beat me by 6 minutes while I was writing my comment. We might have something going here.

  11. Do black chickens lay black eggs?

  12. Which brings us back to chickens. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  13. I can't believe that Steve is already thinking that these innocent baby chicks who are meant to grow up and lay eggs, should be "fryers" and ready for the table.

  14. P.S. Liver and anything to do with it is nasty.

  15. In this instance, black chickens lay brown eggs. If the chicks survive 13 grandchildren snuggling them, then laying eggs should be easy. Photos are coming.
    I bought liver at the butcher shop and it looked very strange. It had been frozen and then sliced into blocks. Whoever heard of a block of liver? It (the liver) did taste really good, even with its dubious appearance.

  16. Does anyone remember when Dad would butcher a hog in the yard, take out the liver, send it to the kitchen, and Mom would smother it in flour and fry it in lard? Absolutely wonderful. When at Penn St. I bought pkg of chicken livers one night to feed the kids when Velna was at a night class. To this day, they all rate that experience as one of the most traumatic of their childhood, one that still repulses them to this day. Now, regrettably, you can hardly ever find liver. Do black chickens have black chicken livers?

  17. Here in NY a popular horse diver is to wrap chicken livers with bacon and broil them. Very tasty. The only thing that I remember about the pork Dad butchered was the cure that Mother rubbed on it. I still don't think that I have had ham or bacon as good.

  18. Ross had to cut up a whole hog in his culinary class. He just said that it was interesting.

  19. Come to Preston - there is always liver in the meat section here. I remember that butchering day always came while we were in school. I remember coming home one time in Penrose to seeing the big black kettle full of hot water, and the pig carcass hanging from some kind of a pole. Mother's carefully cured ham and bacon were the best ever.

  20. Ask Steve where is the big black pot......I'm just saying.

  21. We have plans for the black kettle, this Labor Day if all goes as planned I intend to put it over a propane burner, fill it with red potatoes, red onions, chopped up kelbasa, shrimp, crawfish, sausage, corn on the cob,red peppers, green peppers, garlic cloves,japolenos, sp? Anyone want to come?

  22. That sounds better than planting petunias in it. On the off days, you can make soap.
