Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Louise, Liz, and Dwight Once More

I worked on this photo a bit but don't think I improved it any.  The magazine Louise is holding is the Saturday Evening Post, which is a puzzle since Grandma and Grandpa Wasden took Collier's and not the Post, the Post being Dad's favorite magazine.  I think the porch must be on Grandpa Wasden's house, but then I don't know what Louise is doing with the SatEvePost, all bundled up.  And what treasures am I holding in a bag?


  1. I think this looks really good. The sizing helps,and the faces come out in your redo. What a great piece of your early history.

  2. Surely Grandma and Grandpa took the Saturday Evening Post at one time. They also took the American Magazine, and Ladies' Home Companion.

  3. Of Course, that's it. Sat Eve Post. If this were summertime, I would guess that Dwight had apples in his sack. But since it is obviously cold, I don't know????

  4. Grandma was always good about sharing things - maybe ginger snaps? See my previous note (picture) about the steps and the finishing of the back of the house.
