Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Caleb and Michele's Wedding

When I saw these joyous photos on FB this morning, I stole them to post here on Penrose Mornings.  The bride and groom are delightful.  Velna is beautiful and Dwight has on his best worried smile. Russell is telling us something.   Today the world is right side up and we all rejoice.


  1. FB? Do you have some secret password that gets you to these wonderful pictures? Isn't it a marvel how the younger generation keeps on in the faith - makes us all feel better. Beautiful bride, handsome bridegroom, proud grandparents, and Russell - shouting for joy? Who knows.

  2. They are a beautiful couple with such a neat family. Special days are good for everyone who gets to be a part of them, whether being there or seeing the happy photos. Thanks, Judy, for being a FB specialist!

  3. I'm sorry I look so ancient. The tie I am wearing is the tie I wore nearly 60 years ago at my own wedding.

  4. That is one good tie. It has earned an honored place of importance.
    Ancient you will never be.

  5. I had to go back and look at the tie. What was good 60 years ago is still good. Actually that is a neat thing. Dwight, you look great. I won't think of you as looking/being ancient until you hit 90.
