Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chicken Update and Other Stuff

I hate to interject today's life in the middle of the neat photos that Dwight has been posting, but I feel somewhat justified after taking much abuse from siblings regarding our new adventure.  It won't be long before you can keep up with Tanner stuff on our family blog.  Yes, we are moving into that world with our blog named "Grandma's Fried Oatmeal".  Our intention is to keep our name out of the title, and our kids all remember how Grandma would fry the leftover oatmeal for the next meal, rather than wasting anything.  That experience has been a constant source of conversation at each family gathering,  so after taking a family vote, our blog name has been set.  The blog should be up and running within the next couple of weeks.  But, in the meantime here you go -

Monday the chicks moved out of my sewing room and into the coop.  I can still hear the peeping and chirping even though the source of the noise is no longer in the house.  But now I can grind spelt to make some bread, and get busy on other projects in the sewing room

This was taken prior to the move to the coop.  The chicks are all lined up on their perch as though they are waiting for the movie to start.  They have tail feathers and wing feathers and real attitudes.

We just moved the chicks out to the coop.  They were so accustomed to being in the big plastic box they didn't know what to do with so much room.  Soon they were flapping their wings and "flying" all over the place.  When we checked on them this morning they are all still alive so I think we have made the transition ok.

 This was a common sight last week when the house was full of kids, grandkids, dogs, cat and chicks.  For some of the grandchildren, the chicks were a little intimidating until they held one.  Then it was hard to leave them alone.  This is Jack (Nathan's oldest).
Not my favorite photo, but oh well.  In the middle of all the chaos there was a knock on the door and we were presented with this award for the month of June.  Guess I'll go plant some more flowers.

 When I did the original post this morning I left this photo off.  We had wild and crazy winds on Saturday which made it necessary to prune back this 6' tall rose bush.  It was just loaded with these roses that are now in vases in the house.  Our spring has been wonderful for the roses.


  1. congrats, and now you will have all thepoop from thecoop to make things even more lush.4

  2. Wow! The Tanner award is neatly tucked in between the baby chick story. Congratulations! And you have made a great blogging decision. I can hardly wait until the postings begin.
    Cute chicks. Cute Jack.

  3. I love how the dog posed in your award photo. Your yard is beautiful.

  4. I have tried three times to leave a comment - does Penrose Mornings have something against me? The award is well earned - how nice of Charlie to pose so well with you. Baby chicks turning into teenagers, and Jack looks pretty cute.

  5. Mary Lynn's cuz has chickens, says it costs $2.00 for every dollars worth of eggs, oh but the joy of a young man's smiling face, pricelss.

  6. At least feeding chickens gives us something in return. Feeding a dog just gives a lot of barking and lawn cleanup several times a week.
