Thursday, June 28, 2012

Penrose Front Porch Summer 1956

This Penrose visit occured late summer 1956.  Ron was born shortly after and, when he was two weeks old, Velna and I and two kids took off for two years in Ann Arbor at the U of Mich.  No money, no place to stay, brand new baby.  Typical life story.  We figured it out.


  1. Wow, Ann, curly hair plus the wind blowing. Judy looks grown up and sophisticated. Velna, a little uncomfortable. Steve, being a smartie???? and the rest looking their Sunday best.

  2. My hair is probably just after a very stinky permanent. What an amazing thing the Wyoming winds could do to an already frizzy head of hair. Had we even heard of conditioner back then? The dress is one Janet Lynn gave me. Judy's dress (which she made) is one I always loved.
