Monday, July 23, 2012

Watermelon Picnic at JB Wasdens 1933

I reworked this classic picture the best I could.  Scene on lawn in front of Grandma and Grandpa Wasden's.
Louise, Mom, Elna (can't tell if she's holding a baby), Peggy, Uncle Oscar with watermelon, Grandpa Wasden.  Back, Uncle Orvil, Grandma Wasden holding Dwight.  I especially treasure this picture because it is the only one in existence where I am being held by Grandma Wasden.


  1. The occassion would no doubt have been Grandpa's birthday,a tradition that was carried on for several years while I was growing up. I don't know how many years these gatherings took place. I always thought this was a special time to see cousins. I also thought it was kind of special that his birthday was only two days after mine. I'm glad that we have this early picture.

  2. An afterthought: I don't remember what was on the menue but there was always watermelon. One year when I was maybe 8 or so, I thought I was big enough to carry a watermelon from the car into the house so I was given one to carry but unfortunately it didn't make it there in one piece. I somehow stumbled on the walk to the house and dropped the melon and it got sorta smahed up. But what was sweet was that eveyone was more concerned about the bad scrape on my knee than the hapless watermelon and I was made a big fuss over.
