Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Letter to Elizabeth

September 11 2012

Dear LizzyBeth,

We all have images in our minds of you reposing in your bed like a Queen while Ron is hastening around and waiting on you.  I thought this morning I would add some bright sunflowers and a white daisy to hasten your recovery.  When you start recovering more, I did notice that some of the colors in your fabric stash are not carefully coordinated, with some shades that do not come close to the fabric next to it.  I hope you will fix this soon so that the next photo of your fabric stash I see will have a stronger ambience.

I do have some problems with my sisters I will share with you.  Judy calls me up one morning and tells me I am grouchy.  I was just fine until she informed me of my state.  As I insisted I was just fine, she said wait a minute, I'll call you right back.  Wait, wait.  Then Ann calls.  Judy tells me you are grouchy and that I should call and cheer you up.  Has anyone ever had more devious sisters?  Now I  worry continuously about whether I am grouchy and wondering why no one is calling me up any more to cheer me up.  Why is this?

We have all had a few issues of late, but mainly we are all thinking of you and holding your hand and postponing giving you a hard time until you are recovered.  May your actual recovery be quick, but fake it for awhile so you don't have to do laundry, vacuuming, cleaning, dishes, cooking, etc., etc., for several months.  You will be glad you followed this advice.  Our best also to your faithful caregiver who has been your lifeline through all of this.

Love from Dwight, who is speaking on behalf of the rest of us also.

P.S., I just remembered, Judy actually told me I was  "becoming more difficult."  Can you imagine such harsh words coming from your dear sister?


  1. I deny that statement....the one that you said. What I did say was, "When you are not happy, then your sisters talk together and ask,'What can we do to make Dwight happy?'" I believe that Elizabeth also validated that statement. Then what I said next was, "And if you are happy, then we just get together and talk about you."

  2. P.S. But I too want to cheer Elizabeth to get well soon.

  3. I hope the sun is shining in Preston this morning. The temperature is suggesting fall is really taking over.
    To Dwight, I can only suggest that to be the topic of any discussion should be looked on as a major accomplishment.
    To Elizabeth, May you recover quickly and move on to your next project (or finish one of gazillion you have started). Love you, Ann

  4. The sun is shining in Preston this morning! I tried to comment using the Nook, but that didn't work at all! Thank you to everyone for your cheering on - Why is it that one of the facets of getting older is that we don't rebound from stuff like this as well as we used to. I almost feel like a human "bean" again. Your support means everything to me, dear sisters and brothers!
