Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I have flown over it and driven around it, but after all these years of being back east this is the first time that I have ever been to D.C.  We went with Mike and family, twice actually, over the Thanksgiving weekend.  It was truly awe inspiring and humbling when you think where we've come from.  My favorite was probably the Lincoln Memorial, it really lifts the spirits.  The architecture is magnificent and one really does feel that they are at the center of the universe.  The war memorials were powerful in their message, the Viet Nam memorial was overwhelming.
It was nice to be with family in a place that gives you great hope that we can overcome our shortfalls and become strong and independent again.
Love to all.


  1. I am so glad Thanksgiving 2012 was full of wonderful time with family, as well as what must have been a powerful experience as you spent time in D.C. I suspect you were reminded over and over again about how much we have to be thankful for.

  2. What a way to spend Thanksgiving - wonderful memories of family and of these incredible reminders of what is important.
    The picture of the Lincoln memorial is my favorite.

  3. Your photos take us with you on your trip. Good timing for this historic experience. Hope you are feeling better today.

  4. Judy knows something we don't know. Did you catch something on your trip? Sorry - get better.

  5. Glad you got to D.C. I loved the city, hated working for the government, but I've missed it ever since we left.
