Friday, December 28, 2012

Chicken Cave and Other Important Stuff

As you can tell by the depth of the snow on the roof of the chicken coop and run, snow has been falling in our corner of the world.  I suspect our snow amount is a pittance when compared with what Steve has in New York, or what Elizabeth has in Preston. We are thankful for what this means for next summer, as in water for the garden and yard. Because of the snow, our chicken project has taken on a whole new perspective.
The depth of the snow means there is no going outside the coop for the chickens and any running to look for anything green or wiggling on the ground has been put on pause(as in they are all "cooped up" and are now suffering from "cabin fever").  Each time we go in the run to check their feed and water, we are greeted with a chorus of scolding chickens, each in their own cleff.   Each morning either Paul or I go out and turn on the light in the coop so the chickens think there is sunshine.  We have had to put a light bulb under their water container to keep the ice at bay.  And lots of straw in the run and coop seems to help with the scratching impulse - something to kick around is evidently a happy thing.  Yet, we are finding it very amazing to gather between 10 - 12 eggs a day.  Hmmm, it is starting to feel a little like the zucchini wars in the summer.  I wonder who can use a few eggs today.  If we go over the "fiscal cliff", will this be our bartering chip for a little milk??  Or, should we just eat one or two?

May you all be warm and safe, wherever you are.  I must admit, having animals of a sort has brought back warm memories of our Penrose world.  Do you remember what winters were like, with the cows, pigs and chickens trying to survive the Wyoming winters?  I think it is such a blessing to know how difficult things can be, but to be able to live in such incredible comfort.  If you are ever close to my house, please stop by for a dozen eggs.


  1. I am truly amazed. Your chickens get more loving attention than I ever got. You can buy 25 sexed chicks for $1.95 in the 1934 Monkey Ward catalog. Something to consider.

  2. Much nicer to find eggs in a warm chicken coop (artificially warmed, but surely chickens have a little body heat?) than to go to the cellar and dig eggs out of the cold, gelatinous water glass and eggs in a crock. It does sound like a reason for bartering?

  3. I should have added, we don't leave the light on at night for warmth because the experts all say if you heat the coop and then the electricity goes out, the chickens will die because they can't deal with the cold. So, the light is left on only for "sunlight" but is turned off at night. Yes, they do have quite a bit of body heat. At night they snuggle up to each other, fluff out their feathers and sleep just fine. Funny creatures!

    Did Mother buy chickens from Monkey Ward? That would mean she "only" spent $8.00 of hard earned money for 100 chicks. Did we ever have a rooster? I don't remember having anything but hens.
    I also don't remember the eggs being stored in the cellar. I think I am glad that isn't one of my memories. It just doesn't sound very pleasant, but I suspect we were thankful to have the eggs.

  4. You aren't kidding about the snow. Bet Dwight wishes he was still in SLC.
    Your egg production has increased! Last time you reported 6 eggs a day, making it a dozen every 2 days. 30 X 12 = 360 eggs a month. I think that is the result of all of your scientific research and application. Good job!
