Sunday, December 9, 2012

Comment Too Long for a Response

I have temporarily borrowed Steve's wonderful photo of snowy New York and have tried to make it large enough to spread across the top but have been unable to do so.  Steve, may I use this photo on a couple of Christmas cards, with credit to you for it being your photo, of course?

I have been trying to convince my dear wife that I need a panini press.  She admantly refuses to allow me to buy one.  I adamantly maintain that I absolutely need one.  So what to do?  Just scorch another grilled cheese in the frying pan.

I have a request for a guest post on our blog, which I will post when she sends it to me.  I thought we might as well spread a little help beyond our own family bounds once in awhile.

BYU beat the U of U last night, as is only fitting and proper.

The Daily Spectrum of Saint George is switching Sunday funnies, getting rid of many of my favorites and adding the new "mod" ones which I hate.

The sun is shining.

The election of 012 is over.  The election of 016 has begun.

When is a response to long for a comment, or a comment too long for a response?  We need some analysis here.


  1. BYU - barely - kept us hanging until the end. Go ahead and get a panini press -cooker - ? It won't break you up in business. Steve's picture is truly loverly - goes beautifully with the marquetry at the side, which Mother called, "Oh, Holy Night".

  2. When is a response to long for a comment, or a comment too long for a response, you ask. Is this a sincere question or a trick question? If this is a sincere question, it will require research. If it is a trick question, well, that becomes another matter. Sincere questions deserve sincere answers, trick questions deserve to be ignored. Until we know which is which, it seems to me we should just go shopping. Just saying ----
