Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Picture

Ron hasn't seen the birthday wishes in the posting  below as yet, but thank you (for him).  He did have a celebration or two while we were in Olympia.  We stayed with friends the first few nights we were there, and these balloons were on the table waiting for him the morning we were leaving.  (You can't see the top one, which said "Happy Birthday".  Our friend, Stephen, had gotten a speeding ticket the night before, as he left a church meeting and went to Safeway to buy the balloons.  "No good deed will go unpunished."  That made these particular balloons very  expensive.  We went on to have a birthday celebration at Julia and Mike's house with lots of family and friends there - What a blessing!  Ron's 80th came with one of life's more difficult occurences,  but we do go on, and are glad for each other.

1 comment:

  1. What does a Birthday Boy do with his balloons when he can't take them on the airplane home to Preston? Yes, they are at my house and guess who is coming to play with me overnight tonight? Grace will love them.
