Monday, January 28, 2013

Voice From the Past

This is the second time today I've posted this - the first time was a real mess, and I finally figured out what to do about it.  I can't remember if I posted the gist of this letter before, but if not, it truly is a gem. Dorothy and I spent the weekend going through boxes of letters, and she is going to scan them for the family, but this one I kept - it is such a gem.  When I was a senior in the spring of 1953, I was in the senior class play, staying all week with Kells, and going home on the weekends for six weeks.  Ann kept me in the family loop by sending me little messages via Audrey Baxter, also a senior, who rode the school bus.  This letter is a real gem, and deserves to be immortalized.  It wouldn't mean much to those who did not know our family, but it is definitely meaningful in all aspects to us.


  1. There is a certain freshness in telling it like it is. Ann wrote it, you preserved it and it's fun to read it here. Thanks for a good memory on a gray day.

  2. Don't you just love my penmanship? I never could write well, thus my "writing" style of half writing and half printing.
    Having an electric stove with punch button controls that had pretty lights of different colors under each button, was light magic. This brought back a fun memory.
