Sunday, July 28, 2013

May I Please?

At the cajoling and the encouraging comments from siblings, I have been working on my story.  However, I have come to the conclusion that certain parts of "my" story have already been masterfully written, because they are, after all, "our" story...  So - here is my proposal.  I would like to "borrow" such pieces of writing from Louise's, Dwight's and Elizabeth's stories, that include anything of historical value, such as Louise's writing that includes dates and places on grandparents, Dwight's writing about the early days in Penrose, as well as Elizabeth's accounts of various events. While I realize we all see things just a little differently, things like the genealogical history, when the move to Penrose was made and why, etc., are really only one story.  Besides if I copy from your stories, then we won't have conflicting information floating around.  Doesn't this sound logical?

Now, I realize this sounds as though I am being lazy, however, I think it is making good use of what has already been done.  What would Mother say?  Do we need to reinvent the wheel?  I will happily give credit repeatedly, when each of you are quoted, and will also, happily, embellish any credentials you would like to have applied.

Seriously, please let me know what you think. Hopefully, you will all say this is a WONDERFUL idea.


  1. Annie, Have at it, but please correct my typos. After consulting with Steve, still working on the masterpiece.

  2. Great! Ann will get hers' done first and then I will take quotes from that! LOVE IT.

  3. It's ok with me, or if you want to use what I wrote if you are ok with it as is, or put in your own words. I do think all that background information is an important part in the telling of who we are, so if that will help you to use my story it's fine.

  4. I'm thinking this is going to work. Then all Steve will have to do is add a PS. Hey, Judy, do you have your computer back?

  5. If you find a few tidbits you can use, fine. However, I am really more hopeful to get your thoughts on how you viewed things, what you experienced, saw, and thought, since I left home so early and since a dozen years or so separated us, plus more after that I knew nothing about. I know very little about life in Penrose or Washington after 1950, sadly. I need you and Judy to fill me in. D.

  6. Dwight, the only parts I want to use are those historical tidbits that I truly don't want to research to get the dates correct. Otherwise I will use my own words - Thank you everyone. I have a fun project in front of me.

  7. Yes, Ann. I can hardly wait till you get that job done. I am smarter than Elizabeth. I know what "ditto" means.

  8. Certainly Judy knows what ditto means. Here is Judy's Life Story: "Ditto by Judy B. P." my life story. Shorter than mother's page and a half. Ann, how do you know I have dates correct? I can't remember anything any more. Waiting for your finished story.

  9. Certainly Judy knows what ditto means. Here is Judy's Life Story: "Ditto by Judy B. P." my life story. Shorter than mother's page and a half. Ann, how do you know I have dates correct? I can't remember anything any more. Waiting for your finished story.

  10. Correct dates? Certainly if we all use the same dates, "irregardless" of whether they are correct or otherwise, the important thing is we agree to be correct or incorrect.
    How does one "finish" their story. A page a day??
