Thursday, August 8, 2013

Watching the Sugar Beets Grow

We would know that hat anywhere!  Farmer Wasden standing in the beet field.  His legs weren't long so that make the beet leaves look even taller.


  1. Where are you finding these pictures that I have never seen before? I think you have a treasure trove. Grandpa's torso was so long that, as Sofe said, when he sat in church, he was taller than most people, but his short legs kept him at his 5'7" height. Brig inherited his physique - even at 6'5". Looks like a pretty lush field of sugar beets.

  2. I'm just going through any pictures that I have and checking to see if they have been posted on the blog. Process of elimination. And I am surprised that I have not been more efficient!

  3. Do you remember, or did you ever, hide in the tall beet leaves? They made a great camouflage, except when a pheasant would fly up in your face, or a little black and white critter would scurry down the furrow.

  4. What was the black and white critter??? Skunk?
