Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Bag Is DONE!

Elizabeth finished her lovely bag first.  Not only did I see it on the blog, but I saw it with my own eyes.  She had lots of detail and she followed difficult construction instructions with a perfect conclusion.  Then Ann finished her bag with wonderful variations that caught my attention and convinced me that maybe, just maybe I had a fighting chance.
So after Elizabeth left here yesterday....  (Yes, we had a good time together.  No, I did not take one picture).....I got to work and finished my bag.  It is the "other" design and big enough to hold my bold print scriptures for Sunday.  No electronic scriptures for this girl....yet. 
The significant information here is that all three of us chose to do this project and all three of us finished it.  A rarity indeed.


  1. Hooray! And a very pretty one, indeed (I've been reading Sense and Sensibility!). Nice work, Judy.

  2. Look what happens when I turn my back. It's about time we got out of your hair-sewing? The bag is as beautiful as I thought it would be. Congratulations! Now we all have "identical" bags - where is Louise's? Judy always was a whiz, and this trip proved it!

  3. Would you like to make one? You will need Elizabeth and Ann for inspiration. Louise might want one too. Steve?

  4. I'm thinking I need an embroidered pink bag to carry in to the doctor's offices with Velna to see how many more smart remarks the doctors and receptionists will toss my way (such as, that purse really matches your outfit, or what a darling purse. At least the last one had the sense to tell me I had a nice man-bag.) Otherwise, one wouldn't want to show off in church having a more embroidered or lavish bag than another, would one? Points to ponder. I have nothing else to do until I go see the neurologist tomorrow.

  5. Shouldn't it be my bag is finished? Done refers to something in the oven that is "done". I have nothing to do this afternoon and my tummy aches. I have been worrying about this ever since it was posted.

  6. How to address Dwight's last comment puts me in a conundrum. Oh, wait, can I be in a conundrum, or am I a conundrum. I do know my bag is done, because it is finished. Hmmm.

  7. How do you tell when a bag is done?
