Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Things I learned on Monday

At the risk of exposing how little I really learn along the way, and after being chided by Dwight for not sharing my most exciting life, I thought I would attempt to catch up with my report.  This is much easier than trying to make up a story for Dwight.

So, here goes -
One of the best things I have learned was this morning when I saw Steve's comment on Dwight's last post.  It is delightful to know he still has his sense of humor, even though the photo he has on Facebook doesn't really show that.  I do miss his smile.

I spent time with Dwight and Velna and all we talked about was cooking ideas and what new gadgets they NEED in their kitchen to make the process easier.  Much to my delight they have gone to Shopko, bought some new gadgets and are off and running.  The only item missing is a food processor to help with the chopping, etc.  However, Dwight is somewhat perplexed because I haven't gone to Costco and bought the latest salt and pepper grinder and olive oil mister that he has.  I am holding out.

Judy called and she has been to the fabric store.  She saved me time hunting through the pattern books with an excellent recommendation for a pattern that I REALLY needed.  See what networking does.

I did talk with Elizabeth on Friday, we covered a lot of important stuff, but I can't remember what it was.

Still no Louise, but I hope she is having fun at Diana's.

Oh, and by the way, if you call Dwight's home and get someone who says something about it being the Utah Democratic Party headquarters, do hang up.  If it continues we may need to report the problem to the phone company.

On a more serious note, after listening to conference, I do want to be a better person.  What a delightful feast that was.  It gave me hope, if I can just remember to be good.

I hope you all make this a wonderful Tuesday.


  1. Thanks, Ann, for taking the pressure off the rest of us for not completing Professor Blood's writing assignment. Even though it was a good idea.

    Louise did surface, and we have plans to meet at the quilt shop in Olympia on Friday. We're just hoping that the Downton Abbey fabric has arrived. Anyone one want to place orders in case you cannot find it near you?

  2. Yes, how about a yard of each? No, that would break the bank, wouldn't it? We'll find out if they're going to get it here. Who knows. And I second Judy's thanks for getting us off the hook for a while. We're busy cleaning up the garden and yard. Anyone need some butternut squash, plums, miniature pumpkins, etc.?

  3. All of the mentioned, Elizabeth. Plums......ummmm.

  4. How did a sincere and innocent request by Dwight go into the dark side of quilting?

  5. Steve, you can join "our" side anytime you want.....so can Dwight. Dwight's request might have been sincere, but was it innocent? What kind of tales was he looking for us to tell?

  6. Can we tell on him? Like all of the times he and Ernie Keller got kicked off the school bus?

  7. I think that is exactly what he is looking for. I sure hope Ann has access to a computer this next week during her stay in Brigham City.
