Monday, April 28, 2014

No Snow, No Rain, Just Pretty Posies

When we woke up this morning the radio was telling us that anyone traveling east out of Salt Lake City towards Park City should watch for the snowplows. However, we looked outside and although the mountains to the east of us were getting snow, we had sunshine. This is what our front yard looked like. Just thought I would share. Besides, after telling me that I am a pain in the neck, Dwight told me to post this.


  1. How beautiful! You and Paul have done absolute wonders in your home and environs over the years, and this picture is evidence of that.

  2. It is pretty! Welcome spring bloom!

  3. Is the Bleeding Hearts in the back? They are beautiful!

  4. Yes, Judy. It has been a good year for the bleeding hearts.

  5. Oh.....I'm just slow. But I'll let Ann answer your question, Steve.

  6. I note some dissembling here. When did I ever say you were a pain? But the important thing is that you and Judy are both doing exactly as I tell you and that all three of you are FOLLOWING me on Pinterest. How could life get any better? Nice picture, beautiful blossoms. Now take some more and some close up ones.

  7. I have been asked, how did I persuade Judy that the cookie had crumbled months ago and that it was time to take pictures of her beautiful garden? The answer is easy. I merely told her over and over that the cookie had crumbled. Sure enough, when I checked at 2:54 a.m. after our last conversation, here were here beautiful pictures! It was easy. Now we need more.

  8. The blue tarp is safely tucked away and being a pain is a status symbol for me. It is so nice to be noticed! Close up of posies. Hmmm, I'll get back to you on that but I didn't want to turn Penrose Mornings into a posie blog. However, if there are no new posts in a month or so, I'll see what I can do. Maybe it's time for a chicken report?

  9. No no no. Posy blog is great. We need flowers. The idea is to keep us going and flowers are a great way to do it.
