Sunday, July 13, 2014

Birthday Time for Louise - July 14th

 This happy picture was taken last summer when Louise and Cheryl came to Preston for some shared Show 'n Tell to awe and amaze each other with  the quilts we have made, and to enjoy the camaraderie that we also share.  Louise has always been an example for me to follow in so many ways - She taught school, so I knew that I should do so, too.  She made quilts, so I knew that I should do the same.  She continues on with her sense of humor and optimistic outlook on life.  She sets an example for all of us.  The sister bond is very strong, and brings joy into my life.  May this day be a good one, and may you have many more to share with family, Louise dear.
This old picture is a favorite - First day of school.  As I recall, Louise was a freshman and I was in the 5th grade.  Back to Penrose for a minute.


  1. Happy, Happy Birthday sister dear. Love you lots.

  2. As other would say, "rise and shine" Happy birthday.

  3. Just talked with Louise. She sounds younger than ever!

  4. If I can clear my eyes of tears so that I can see, and I can read the stupid robot I want to thank you all for such beautiful tributes. How lucky to have such a close family relationship and bond, and such wonderful memories.
