Friday, September 12, 2014

Blood Family Photos 1956

I fixed these two pictures the best I could.  I'm glad they were never deleted.  I think these must be in 1956 possibly from our trip to Penrose before we headed for Ann Arbor.


  1. This was the beginning of Judy's "babe" years, Steve's year of gathering every little chain he could find and linking them together to wear around his neck because that was cool then (even though the chains often turned green), my year of wearing an ankle chain because that was cool, and the beginning of Mother's short hair years.
    The dress I am wearing is one Janet Lynn gave me. Note the wonderful perm in Judy's and my hair. Remember the smell and the way the chemical would burn when it got on our skin. I don't know how Mother could stand putting her hands in that stuff, although she was really careful to keep any contact at a minimum. Fun photos.

    Doesn't Dad look spiffy! And Dwight is soooo young. Russell was a cute little boy.

  2. I think I still own some perm curlers. Is anyone interested? Ann, what do you mean, "babe" years?
    Dwight and Dad do look very handsome, yes, Steve, too.

  3. See my red Home Ec. roses to the side of the porch? I was very proud of that project.

  4. I loved your Home Ec project. It was so fun to watch Mother as you planted something that wasn't absolutely necessary. She took good care of your roses after you left home.

  5. Actually, Mother got her hair cut the summer of 1955 - I was still home then. She went to Fern's beauty shop in Powell. It was such a shock, and I think that in the coming years when she regretted having it cut. Loved Judy's rose by the front door. I don't remember if it was still there when we lived in the house from 1971-73.

  6. Actually, Mother got her hair cut the summer of 1955 - I was still home then. She went to Fern's beauty shop in Powell. It was such a shock, and I think that in the coming years when she regretted having it cut. Loved Judy's rose by the front door. I don't remember if it was still there when we lived in the house from 1971-73.

  7. How does Elizabeth do that? Two for the price of one...Love it!
