Monday, September 15, 2014

Wasden Family Gathering

This photo of a family gathering at Grandpa and Grandma Wasden's is probably one of the most important family pictures ever taken in the Wasden family.  I don't know where I got it or   who took it, but I wonder if Dad did because he is not in the picture.  I took out some of the dark spots so people are a bit more easily recognizable.  Now we need the history of the picture and the identification of the people in the picture, row by row.  Use the edit feature in Blogger to add your information so that it shows directly under this photo.  Blood children seem to be absent.


  1. This was taken the summer after I graduated, so 1961. It was actually taken by a "professional" photographer. I was working at Shoshone Lodge, I'm not sure where Steve was. This was the summer before Doug Wasden left on his mission. Now, don't I sound positive? At least I am fairly sure that is the story behind this photo. Ironically it was taken just before Grandma got really sick. It is a neat photo.

  2. Just a quick p.s. The girl in the middle row with glasses on was dating Doug at the time.

  3. I've been thinking about this photo and I wonder if it was taken on Grandpa's birthday. Just a thought.

  4. To whom all of those little kids belong is a mystery.

  5. I'll take a deep breath and make a run at the identification -
    Back Row - Norman, Alvin, Lorraine, Brooks, Stan House
    Third Row - Gail, Elna, Cindy, Mother, Sofe, Jessie (I think - Cal's sometime wife), and Ruth House
    Second Row - ?, Doug's friend, Grandma, Grandpa, Julian and Mark (Sorensen)
    1st row - 3rd from left is Charlotte Sorensen. The rest?????? Johnson progeny? House progeny????? That's all I know - I was busy with two kids, school, and being sick after a miscarriage. The world of family went on without me.

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  7. Note: Charlotte Sorensen is 4th from the left in the front row, according to Judy.

  8. Back to identifying people in the photo - Doug Wasden is standing between Alvin and Lorraine. By this time Newell was on his mission.

  9. I did have his name on my notes - just forgot to include him. Thanks........
