Saturday, September 5, 2015

Shadow Box Full of Memories

 Map of the northwest corner of the State of Wyoming with important locations in the Russell M. Blood - Minnie A. Wasden Blood family life.
 Piece of very light pink and tan blanket in the background was a wedding gift from Aunt Sofe (Wasden-Johnson), and our Grandmother, Tilda C. C. Wasden.  This picture was taken after the wedding in Lovell, with a partial shot of Aunt Cindy, Dad, Mother and Grandma sitting on the running board of the car, and Grandpa to the right.  Mother's car loaded with bedroll and whatever else they needed to get to Denver.
 Picture on the left is Mother's teacher placement picture from college.  On the right is a picture of Dad found in an old photograph album that was given me by Uncle Norman after Aunt Cindy had passed away.
The complete shadow box - picture taken at an angle so that I wouldn't get a glare on the 50th wedding anniversary picture on the right.  And, everyone knows that the upper right-hand picture is the one taken of Mother holding baby Louise and Dad in his cowboy hat and work clothes.  These are some of my favorite pictures from the past.


  1. Love your shadow box. Seeing it almost gives me the incentive to get mine put together. Thank you for posting it.

  2. I knew that you would be the first (and sometimes only) sibling to make a comment. Thank you, Ann. Where are you, Dwight? It did my part, as suggested by you know who.

  3. I could have made the first comment but I was outside frying. Love it.

  4. Steve, are you making a shadow box? Ann doesn't surprise me, but you do..Why don't one of you just make two and then you could give me one....Of course it has to look as good as Elizabeth's. It is very nice.
