Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Penrose Mail

Dwight and I had a discussion this week about getting our mail from Grandpa Wasden's mailbox by walking down the longer lane headed west from our corrals.  I store some Christmas things in this treasured brown box and happened upon it today.  It was from Sears, Roebuck and Co in Chicago and contained a beautiful green coat for Mother.  The address label says it was shipped on Aug 14, 1931 at a cost of 16 cents. It was sent to Minnie W Blood, care of J B Wasden........


  1. Isn't it amazing to look at what we see as treasures as we get older. That green coat lasted Mother a very long time.

  2. I think that at that date, Mother was living at the Wasden home in Penrose while Daddy looked for work. Grandpa and Grandma were gone to St. George for him to recuperate from his heart problems (they did temple work), and David and Orville ran the farm. David was pretty insulted because there were dirty diapers in the house (remember, Louise was a baby, fairly new to this world at the time.) I'm utterly amazed that you still have this treasure. Love what turns up from time to time!
