Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fun Memories - or - Going Through My Stuff

I am going through my stuff trying to get things organized so I can actually accomplish something besides moving things from one place to another and I ran across some letters for Santa Clause. On the back of this letter there is a note that says (I haven't changed anything in an attempt to maintain its authenticity): "PS Russell didn't hang up his stocking I didn't have eny place to leave a pocket knife for him Guess I'll have to use it." I have wondered if this pocket knife is the knife that came my way in treasures from Dad. Who knows, but it is a warm thought!
This has been a fun tradition that Paul and I did with our family and now some of our children are doing it with their families. What fun memories!

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to start! This is really fun seeing what everybody has and putting "it" all in one place.
    Those letters from Santa read like a family history
