Monday, March 10, 2008

Grandma Wasden's Primer

The primer is falling apart! It was copyrighted in 1864, and is the one that Great-Grandma Christenson purchased from a peddler. It was used by all of the children, but belonged to Grandma. She wrote in all the flyleafs. The most amusing writing is the one where she counted all of the dishes that she washed at one time. Her closing comment: "I had 89 dishes. This is all, but it was plenty to wash at one time. Tilda Christena Christenson"


  1. Thank you for sharing the picture and information about Grandma Wasden's book. I can see that this blog could very well be the gathering place for family history items. We have work to do!

  2. It would be fun to have copies of both of these treasures. I do remember laughing about her description of doing the dishes. I have often thought Grandma had it right - we all did quite enough dishes.
