Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Back to Salem and the Blood Family Reunion

Top picture: Back row: Brig, Pat Consoliver; David Paul, Ron and Jim Blood.
Front: Kemp Petersen with Rex Baker; Ross and Jay Petersen, Tony Consoliver [Gage]; John, Jim, Nathan, Greg Tanner, and Gary Paul.

Middle picture: Back row: Cheryl Paul, Carolyn Blood, Diana Paul, Dorothy & Sara Consoliver; Stephanie Paul.
Front row: Sahnnon Petersen, Kim Blood, Joleen Petersen, Kristen & Beth Tanner.

And weren't we young in 1975 (33 years ago). Ann, Judy, Elizabeth, Dwight, and Louise


  1. Look at that Utah hair. Even Dwight has some (hair). My dark circles were from an allergy to some medication. What a good looking bunch.

  2. The chicken coop is still standing, the fruit trees are out of control, there is a half finished house (started 25 years ago) that sits just to the west of our old house, but someone did finally plant grass around the house. That was one place where the nights were wonderfully quiet, we could still see the stars at night, and we could north towards Mt. Timp and see the layer of smog.
